Sunday, September 28, 2014

Migrate from Hyper-v VHDX to VMware VMDK on same hardware

I was tasked with migrating VMs from Hyper-V 2012-R2 to VMware's ESXi 5.5 without the luxury of an additional box to install ESXi and just migrate them over with VMware Converter.  So this was an offline tear down\migration of the original Hyper-V server.

I read a few posts about going from vhdx format to vmdk for offline VMs. Seemed easy enough. Use the Hyper-v server's PowerShell to go from vhdx to vhd, like this

Convert-VHD -Path "path to your vhdx" -DestinationPath "path to save your converted vhd"

Then I used Starwinds V2V converter (which you can download for free) to take the vhd to vmdk

So I have the vms all set for ESXi, shuffled off and converted- I attach the disks to the newly created machines and get the dreaded 

Failed to start the virtual machine.
Module DevicePowerOn power on failed.
Unable to create virtual SCSI device for scsi0:0, '/vmfs/volumes/50f8922d-eb60e350-2100-6c626d42c9ce/SSD08004.VMAD01.LOCAL__C_Drive-s001.vmdk'
Failed to open disk scsi0:0: Unsupported or invalid disk type 7. Ensure that the disk has been imported

So what to do now? What I should have done to begin with. Download and use the newest version of vCenter Converter Standalone! Just converting to vmdk w starwind is not good enough- there are formatting differences between Workstation, Player and Infrastructure products like ESX and ESXi and must be converted properly.

With my vms installed on the ESXi server but still un-startable, I used Converter to go from 

VMware Infrastructure ------> VMware Player 6.0     (Use "Not pre-allocated" option to keep your disks thin-provisioned if you want)

and then back.....

VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine (vmx file)  --->  ESXi host  - same thing, choose "thin provisioned disk" in the destination options if you want

Also, with 2012\Win 8 and above. make sure to boot from EFI and not BIOS--- and I'm back in business!

Another snafu that happens every time, especially with Linux based VMs, is the virtual nic hardware associated with the underlying OS changes, since obviously the nic MAC address changes when the VM is re-imported\moved over to a new system like this. A lot of dependency services (ie Asterisk, etc) refer to the specific nic name in their configs.....and will break if it's changed. So you may have had your OS using eth0 , and now when you move the vm, that nic is apparently gone, and eth1 is nic at all is active when you issue ifconfig at the shell.

You may need to assign an IP to your box to get connectivity - here's the pertinent Linux commands

ifconfig -a                                                                                view all interfaces

ifconfig eth1 up                                                                       enable an interface

ifconifg eth1 192.168.0.xx netmask               set static IP

sudo dhclient -v                                                                       view DHCP service info

dhclient -v -r                                                                            release any address from interfaces

dhclient eth1                                                                            enable DHCP on an interface

route add default gw 192.168.x.x eth1                                  add default gateway

route -v                                                                                     show active routes

yum install epel-release                                                          Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux

And the file that maps the MAC to the nic name is found here (at least on CentOS)


You'll need to take note of your current active nics MAC address, and change the name of the nic to match it- using the previously named nic that worked before (eth0 is this example) Use the dreaded VI editor form the shell, or WinSCP in,... Webmin....whatever you prefer. See the entry example below- there will most likely be 2 entries or more- one for the old nic, and one for the new active one. You can safely delete the old mac entry also...since it's a "tombstoned" device

# PCI device 0×8086:0x100f (e1000)SUBSYSTEM==”net”, ACTION==”add”, DRIVERS==”?*”, ATTR{address}==”00:50:56:34:0f:38″, ATTR{type}==”1″, KERNEL==”eth*”, NAME=”eth0

So that's it... hopefully this post saves somebody a little aggravation and time!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Send Exchange Users a Password Expiry Email with Power Shell

I thought this was a cool solution to let our Exchange users know their passwords are about to expire within 14 days, giving them an opportunity to change them before they do. Changing passwords is NOT possible out of the box via OWA with Exchange 2013....and I've seen quite a few sample scripts out there to try and cope with the same thing. Because it's enviable that somebody will be away, on vacation, or off on maternity leave, their password expires and now it's an urgent help desk call!'s the script ....the heart of it really is the "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed" attribute that gets converted to an actual date. The current date is then subtracted to from the expirytime date to get the number of days remaining. A great blog post from Andreas helped me out here:

Check it explains the attribute calculations very well. So, all that get's wrapped up in a Foreach for every user parsed in your AD, and if the calculated days remaining are between 14 and 0, they'll get sent in email message via the Send-Mailmessage line at the bottom. Pop that into a scheduled task and you're good to go....

Ok tech peeps...hope this helps you out and results in happy exchange users!



Write-host "Script by DTopo 2014" -ForegroundColor Green

$ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue' # "needed to stop execution errors from displaying"

$adusers= Get-ADUser -filter ‘Enabled -eq $true -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false -and PasswordExpired -eq $false’ -SearchBase "OU=Users,OU=NY,DC=yourdomain,DC=com" -properties passwordlastset,passwordneverexpires,mail

foreach ($user in $adusers)
{$til = (([datetime]::FromFileTime((get-aduser $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -properties "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed")."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed"))-(get-date)).days
if(($til -lt "14") -and ($til -gt 0)) {write-host $user.Name "last set their password on " $user.passwordlastset "it will expire again in " $til " days" -foregroundcolor cyan

echo $emailaddress
echo $tpsuser

$body =”
Dear $tpsuser,
<p> Your Windows/Email Password will expire in $til days!<br>
To change your password on a company PC, press CTRL ALT Delete and choose Change Password<br>
If you are not on a district PC, please login to your OWA webmail (, click on the little gear in upper right corner-choose Options, then Settings, then Password<br>
NOTE: If you change your Windows/Email Password, you must also change it on your Mobile Device (iPhone, iPad, Android).<br>
**Also, if your password has already expired, you will NOT be able to use OWA to change it. You will then need to log on to a district PC.**<br>
<p>If you need assistance, please contact your building technician or call Technology...<br>
<p>Thank you.......<br>
Technology Department<br>
Your Company<br>

Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer -from -to $emailaddress -Cc "","" -subject "TPS Password will expire in $til days" -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High -Verbose


Friday, April 18, 2014

Rename Exchange-AD User with Power Shell Script

This is probably not the most elegant PS script you'll ever see, and will most likely have experienced coders laughing and squirting milk from their noses (or whatever experienced coders drink) ...but works!

I searched quite a bit to find a script that would take care of all the attributes needed to rename a AD\Exchange user's surname, truncate it to fit our naming convention, rename their home directory, email addresses etc from the command line....all to no avail. So I pieced together what you see below. There's comments and echos for every function\ line, so it's easy to follow.

Now, I'm just waiting for somebody to get to get married so I can put this thing to work! Also, thanks to all the references (see comments in script) and their respective sites and authors that really helped me out....

Function Begin {            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Red            
Write-host "Script by created by Dennis Topo Jr 2014" -ForegroundColor Cyan            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Red            
$firstname=Read-Host "Enter current First name of user to be renamed (ie. John)"            
$lastname=Read-Host "Enter current Last name of user to be renamed (ie. Smith)"            
$fullname="$firstname" +" " + "$lastname"            
get-aduser -Filter {name -eq $fullname}            
$Choice=Read-Host "Do you want to rename the above user? (if you don't see any output, user is NOT in AD, or you typed it wrong!) Yes(Y) or No(N)?"            
If (($Choice -eq 'Y') -or ($Choice -eq 'y')) {Prompt1}            
if (($Choice -eq 'N') -or ($Choice -eq 'n')) {Begin}            
Else {Begin}            
Function Prompt1 {            
$newsur=Read-host "Enter NEW Sur Name for User"            
# set first initial of user account name            
# set CURRENT sur name to 7 chraraters only            
# count the characters in the last name             
$count=Measure-Object -InputObject $lastname -Character | select -expand Characters             
# If the count is less than 7, use that number, if not, set it to 7            
If ($count -lt 7 ){$numberx = $count}Else{$numberx = 7}            
$sn7 = $lastname.Substring(0, $numberx)            
# set NEW sur name to 7 chraraters only            
# count the characters in the last name             
$count=Measure-Object -InputObject $newsur -Character | select -expand Characters             
# If the count is less than 7, use that number, if not, set it to 7            
If ($count -lt 7 ){$numberx = $count}Else{$numberx = 7}            
$newsn7 = $newsur.Substring(0, $numberx)            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Green            
Write-Host "Echo out all the variables" -ForegroundColor Green            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
echo "Current Login Account is: $samaccount"            
echo "New Login Account is: $newsam"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
echo "Current Primary Email is: $curemail"            
echo "New Primary Email is: $newemail"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
echo "Current Secondary Email is: $cursecemail"            
echo "New Secondary Email is: $newsecemail"              
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
$newfullname="$firstname" +" " + "$newsur"            
echo "New Name is: $newfullname"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
$newdisplayname="$newsur" +"," +" "+ "$firstname"            
echo "New Display Name is: $newdisplayname"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
echo "New Principle Name is: $newprinname"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
# Get's the users Home Directory            
$hdir=get-aduser $samaccount -Properties homeDirectory | select -ExpandProperty homeDirectory            
echo "Current Home Directory Path is: $hdir"            
# Replace current Home Dir name with new one, which is the new sam account ie #$a = $a.Replace("Scriptign", "Scripting")            
$newhdir=$hdir.Replace("$samaccount", "$newsam")            
echo "New Home Directory Path is: $newhdir"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
echo "Current Alias is: $alias"            
echo "New Alias is: $newalias"            
write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow            
Function Exchange {            
Write-Host "Create and Import PowerShell Session to Exchange Server" -ForegroundColor Green            
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Authentication Kerberos            
 Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber   #By default, Import-PSSession imports all commands except for commands that have the same names as commands in the current session. To import all the commands, use the AllowClobber parameter.            
 Write-Host "Disable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false            
 Write-Host "Remove Current Secondary Email Address" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -EmailAddresses @{Remove="$cursecemail"}            
 Write-Host "Rename User Object in AD" -ForegroundColor Green            
 get-aduser $samaccount | Rename-ADObject -NewName "$newfullname"            
 Write-Host "Change AD Attributes like Display Name, SAM Account, UPN, and EMail" -ForegroundColor Green            
 get-aduser $samaccount |Set-ADUser -Surname $newsur -DisplayName "$newdisplayname" -SamAccountName $newsam -UserPrincipalName $newprinname -EmailAddress $newemail            
 Write-Host "Set New Primary Address and Alias" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -PrimarySmtpAddress $newemail  -Alias $newalias            
 Write-Host "Enable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $true            
 Write-Host "Disable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false            
 Write-Host "Set New Secondary Email Address" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddresses $newsecemail             
 Write-Host "Remove OLD Primary Email Address- Should not be necessary though. Setting Secondary Add above should clear out all addresses." -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddresses @{Remove="$curemail"}            
 Write-Host "Enable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $true            
 Write-Host "Remove PS Session to Exchange" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession            
 Write-Host "Set Home Directory Folder Path" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Set-ADUser -Identity $newalias -HomeDirectory $newhdir -Verbose            
 Write-Host "Rename Home Directory" -ForegroundColor Green             
 Rename-Item -Path "$hdir" -NewName $newalias -Force -Verbose            
 Write-Host "Renamed User Details" -ForegroundColor Green            
 Get-ADUser $newalis -Properties * | FL CN,Company,DisplayName,DistinguishedName,EmailAddress,mailNickname,HomeDirectory,SamAccountName,proxyAddresses,UserPrincipalName            
# Reference             
#$a = $a.Replace("Scriptign", "Scripting") 
#$addrs = $mbx.EmailAddresses | Where {$_.Prefixstring -ne "X400"}            

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cisco ASA with WCCP redirect to Squid proxy

Getting traffic redirection\interception from my ASA to my Squid proxy caused me a significant amount of pain! There's a great deal of blog posts out there on how to achieve this transparent redirect, but all are just a little different. I'm sure a seasoned Linux guy would have gotten this all done much quicker..but that was not the case for me! There's so many nuances and variants of Linux, and different ways to do the same thing, it makes a single clear cut procedure unlikely.

Anyway....the reasoning to setup a transparent proxy at all is little cloudy. It would have been much easier to point my client browsers to the the Squid box, and be done with it. If you're a windows shop, and use AD and Group Policy- then this is easy! But who wants to take the easy route? )

Squid proxy is pretty it's free and easy to install, and well documented on line. I also paired my Squid box with Squid guard, for content and url filtering- again free.

Here are the main article I used as a guide to install and setup Squid with Squid Guard. Thanks to the author at dancourses!

To start, I used CentOS 6.5 for my proxy OS....with a minimal desktop install option- I like to have some gui for Linux. I used the latest Squid build at the time- 3.4.x. My ASA is a 5520 running 8.4.2 version software. I'll also assume you have experience editing linux config files- the metheod is up to you...if you're a cool terminal-only guy, and want to use VI for everything, by all means- I like Webmin and GEdit myself!

Once you have Squid and Squid Guard up and working a  conventional proxy - browsers pointing to the IP of the Squid box on port 3128...and want to setup a transparent redirect using Cisco's Web Cache Communication Protocol like I did, then read on.

My lab network is shown below- running in GNS3 - which is an amazing piece of software and essential for anybody in the networking field looking to gain knowledge or to simulate an environment for testing.

Obviously, ensure you have connectivity throughout your network and to the internet- we'll start with the ASA first.

Define the proxy server(s) that can register as a WCCP cache engine on the ASA , permit the subnets you want to be redirected, and deny your proxy server from being redirected.

access-list wccp-server extended permit ip host any
access-list wccp-server remark Proxy servers that can register to WCCP

access-list wccp-traffic extended deny ip host any
access-list wccp-traffic extended permit tcp any eq www
access-list wccp-traffic extended permit tcp any eq https
access-list wccp-traffic extended permit tcp any eq www
access-list wccp-traffic extended permit tcp any eq https
access-list wccp-traffic extended deny ip any any
access-list wccp-traffic remark Exclude proxy server from redirection- ID redirected subnets\clients

Next, tie in the WCCP config with the access lists you just created, and define the redirect interface, which would be your inside interface. Note that the proxy box and the clients must sit behind the same interface for this to work, per Cisco.

wccp web-cache redirect-list wccp-traffic group-list wccp-server

wccp interface inside web-cache redirect in

The other caveat with this is the WCCP Router ID....the ASA will pick the highest numbered IP to use as it's WCCP ID...this will be the source IP for the directed GRE packets coming from your ASA to your Squid proxy.'s probably best to design your IP scheme with this in mind...or else you'll have to ensure you have routes to any other interfaces that might be your WCCP ID. Mine is the inside interface at

Next up- the squid.conf file....found in /etc/squid

I added these right at the end of the file. Note the intercept port- we'll use another port for that- 3129, and keep the stock 3128 port for normal proxying. Also, there's your WCCP Router ID IP.

# Intercept mode
http_port 3129 intercept

# WCCP Router IP- Inside ASA

# forwarding
wccp2_forwarding_method gre

# GRE return method gre
wccp2_return_method gre

# standard web cache, no auth
wccp2_service standard 0

Now, restart Squid: service squid restart and it should register with the ASA.

On the ASA, do a show wccp and you should see that it has a cache engine (your squid box) registered.

Now for the OS adjustments on the Squid\CentOS box. I created a script called ifup-local in /sbin. In CentOS, this file is called when any interface is brought up. So just make it executable, and it will be fired up at system boot.


# Setup and bring up the wccp\gre interface

modprobe ip_gre
ip tunnel add wccp0 mode gre remote local dev eth0
ifconfig wccp0 netmask up

# disable rp_filter, or the packets will be silently discarded

echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wccp0/rp_filter
echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter

# enable ip-forwarding and redirect packets to squid

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# catch the gre encapsulated http traffic-decapsulate it, and send it to Squid on port 3129

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wccp0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

At this point, restart you Squid server. And go to a client browser...and hit the internet. The ASA should be catching your http requests, packing them up into GRE packets, and sending them to Squid. CentOS will encapsulate them, send them to Squid on port 3129. and then proxy the client requests as normal. And if you have Squid Guard, or another filtering application, you should be blocking content as well...won't that make your users happy!?

Here's a screen shot of a Wire Shark capture taken at eth0 of the Squid server when requesting a web site. The first TCP SYN packet is high lighted. You can see the GRE encapsulated header from the ASA there, with the request from the client to the web site server. The rest that follows set up the communication between the web site and the client with more SYNs and ACKs...then the actual HTTP GETs, requesting the content.

That's it! It is simple enough - just took me time to get the right config on the Linux side- the iptables command at the end, with the DNAT directive did it for me. The REDIRECT directive you may see on other blogs, did not wasn't decapsulating the packets.

Additional reference for the Squid Wikis:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Troubleshoot failed Incoming emails in Exchange 2013 with Symantec Mail Security for Exchange

I thought I'd put up some of my notes used to track and troubleshoot failures of incoming emails. Most recently, our hosted Exchange server seems to be the center of the universe! the eyes of our users, all missed and non delivered emails are somehow the fault our server and department! The hardest thing is getting enough basic information from our users so we have even a chance at tracking down the reason why an incoming message didn't make to our server safe and sound. I this basic list to remind folks what they need to give me so I can target the problem.  

·        ·           Email Address of failed sender
·          Date and Time the message was sent
·         Email Address(es) of the intended recipient(s)
·         A copy of the failed email message (if any)
·         Bounce back message\NDR from intended recipient (if any)
·         Attachment information: Size, File extension\type
·         Any other error information relating to the sending PC (ie virus alerts, connection errors, etc.)

Below are my notes in kind of a raw form- hopefully they prove usefully to somebody. This particular server hosts both the Mailbox and Client Access it's running Symantec Mail Security for Exchange-- so anything that makes it past the Connection Filtering agent (which checks incoming IPs wishing to connect to our server against our subscribed DNS Block lists) and the Default Front End receiver (all inbound SMTP mail), will subsequently be checked by the Symantec agents for content, viruses, etc. 

I realize this is not the normal setup. Most shops would have some sort of edge device and or load balancer that would scan the incoming mail before it reaches the MBX server...but we have a "condensed" setup if you will. Although traffic is firewalled via our ISP before it reaches our box

What I'm checking for here is why emails from are not making it to our recipients- here's the sequence and logs I used to find the culprit! 


·         Exchange Connection Filtering logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\AgentLog
·         Front End Receive Logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive
·         Message Tracking logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking
·         Exchange Server  Application Log in Event Viewer (filter events to make log more manageable)

Check the following logs in this order- note that exchange log entries are all time stamped in GMT time- so subtract 5 hours to get the adjusted military time for our zone. (EST)

Exchange Connection Filtering logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\AgentLog
Check this log FIRST!
If the sending server is on one of our block lists, then it's a done deal- won't go beyond here. Check the IP of the sending server from the CF logs- see if it's on other block lists, including SPAM Cop and Spamhaus (our lists) - in this is clean! No entries here…

Front End Receive Logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive
Check the Frontend to see if the message is even getting to our server at all. Search on sender and recipient email address and TIME message was sent!! Nice to have the TIME! This is crucial unless you want to aimlessly search tons of logs!
Note: Will not get subject here!
2014-01-14T16:20:36.117Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,0,,,+,,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.117Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,1,,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender AcceptRoutingHeaders,Set Session Permissions
2014-01-14T16:20:36.117Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,2,,,>,"220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:20:35 -0500",
2014-01-14T16:20:36.133Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,3,,,<,HELO,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.133Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,4,,,>,250 Hello [],
2014-01-14T16:20:36.164Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,5,,,<,MAIL FROM:<>,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.164Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,6,,,*,08D0DAE814F1B85F;2014-01-14T16:20:36.117Z;1,receiving message
2014-01-14T16:20:36.164Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,7,,,>,250 2.1.0 Sender OK,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.180Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,8,,,<,RCPT TO:<>,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.180Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,9,,,>,250 2.1.5 Recipient OK,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.195Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,10,,,<,RCPT TO:<>,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.211Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,11,,,>,250 2.1.5 Recipient OK,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.227Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,12,,,<,DATA,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.227Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,13,,,>,354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>,
2014-01-14T16:20:36.242Z,EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE,08D0DAE814F1B85F,14,,,*,,Proxy destination(s) obtained from OnProxyInboundMessage event

Message Tracking logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking
On to the Hub Transport service. Search on sender and recipient email addresses with TIME frame- look for "Agent,Fail"
Then you'll get the message subject here, and Agent that's involved...but still  no reason or match list term (SMSMSE)

2014-01-14T16:20:36.305Z,,,,EXCHANGE,No suitable shadow servers,,SMTP,HAREDIRECTFAIL,7292854469256,<>,027a9e0d-7900-41d1-74d5-08d0df5bb0ef,;,,20165,2,,,FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday,,,,Undefined,,,,S:DeliveryPriority=Normal
2014-01-14T16:20:36.570Z,,,,EXCHANGE,08D0DAE7F4D6A13E;2014-01-14T16:19:00.680Z;0,EXCHANGE\Default EXCHANGE,SMTP,RECEIVE,7292854469256,<>,027a9e0d-7900-41d1-74d5-08d0df5bb0ef,;,,20165,2,,,FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday,,,0cA: ,Undefined,,,,;S:ProxiedClientIPAddress=;;;S:DeliveryPriority=Normal
2014-01-14T16:20:36.602Z,,EXCHANGE,,,SMSMSERoutingAgent,,AGENT,FAIL,7292854469256,<>,027a9e0d-7900-41d1-74d5-08d0df5bb0ef,,'550 4.3.2 QUEUE.TransportAgent; message deleted by transport agent',20165,1,,,FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday,,,2014-01-14T16:20:36.164Z;;;CAT|CATSM|CATSM-SMSMSERoutingAgent,Undefined,,,,S:E2ELatency=0;S:DeliveryPriority=Normal
2014-01-14T16:20:36.602Z,,EXCHANGE,,,SMSMSERoutingAgent,,AGENT,FAIL,7292854469256,<>,027a9e0d-7900-41d1-74d5-08d0df5bb0ef,,'550 4.3.2 QUEUE.TransportAgent; message deleted by transport agent',20165,1,,,FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday,,,2014-01-14T16:20:36.164Z;;;CAT|CATSM|CATSM-SMSMSERoutingAgent,Undefined,,,,S:E2ELatency=0;S:DeliveryPriority=Normal

Exchange Server  Application Log in Event Viewer: (Symantec reports in the console suck- useless! Don't bother)
 Search for message subject you got from the Message Tracking  logs, then you can get the reason for the violation\deletion and the match list term.
In this case it's -  "you have received this email" (Matchlist name : Sample Message Body Words)
And there you go- You found the reason for the deletion….

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange
Date:          1/14/2014 11:21:20 AM
Event ID:      291
Task Category: Content Enforcement Rules
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
The message "FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday" located in SMTP has violated the following policy settings:
                Scan: Auto-Protect
                Rule: TPS Body
                Violating term(s):
                    you have received this email (Matchlist name : Sample Message Body Words)
The following actions were taken on it:
                The message "FW: ASE - GAME On - Monday" was marked for Deletion for the following reason(s):
                                A Filtering Rule was violated.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sysprep and Domain Join Over Wireless

We all know that there's a host of different ways and technologies available to mass deploy PCs, but thought I'd go over what I've recently done to prep a roll-out of new laptops for my organization. My main objective was to get these set up and configured on the wireless- no hard wires! So that will be my focus of this post.

These will be win 7 units, so sysprep is involved. Although we are a MS shop, we have not used WDS and MDT to any real extent. Still sticking to Ghost, being that we have a heavy investment of ghost images already.

Since I wanted the machines to join one of our SSIDs automatically at post image startup- this is what I came up with.

First, you join a machine to the SSID of choice, and use the Netsh wlan command to export your WLan profile to a config file

A great resouce for the syntax and options can be found here:

   netsh wlan export profile folder= "C:\Wireless\MyWlanProfile.xml"

You can check existing profiles you have with the show profiles command

   netsh wlan show profiles

Now you have your exported xml file that looks something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <WLANProfile xmlns="">
- <SSIDConfig>
- <SSID>
- <MSM>
- <security>
- <authEncryption>
- <sharedKey>

What you'll need to do is change your very long WPA2 key material string to the clear text key that matches your pass phrase. And...change the protected tag to false. Reason being, after importing the file,  you won't be able to connect on a different laptop other than the one you originally created the file on. And actually, that didn't even work for me. Obviously, your WPA2 phrase sitting around in clear text is not we'll take care of that later in the process.

Next, I placed my xml file in a folder on the c drive of my imaging model laptop. I simply restricted access to the folder and xml file to only the system and administrator accounts- no access for anything else.

Now- -to import your file at the miniset up after you've modeled your image unit and ran sysprep, you can use the FirstLogonCommands as shown below. You'll have 2 netsh wlan lines- one to import the Profile from the profile xml file your exported earlier, and one to connect to your SSID.

       <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
                    <CommandLine>netsh wlan add profile filename="C:\wireless\MyWlanProfile.xml
                    <Description>Add MyWLanProfile</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
                    <CommandLine>netsh wlan connect name="MySSID"</CommandLine>
                    <Description>Connect MyWLanProfile Profile</Description>

I have an auto login directive in my unattend.xml file- the machine will login as the local administrator and the FirstLogonCommands will execute before the desktop is presented.

Now...what if you want to join the domain, or activate windows etc at mini-setup? Well you could put those commands here in the above FirstLogonCommands of your unattend.xml right? Well, they won't work. Not if your only network connection is the Wlan. The thing is, even though the Netsh commands are executed before the desktop appears, the wireless network connection does not connect until the desktop is loaded...which is well after the FirstLogonCommands execute. At least this was my experience.

And what about the %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd that mini-setup will execute if it exists? Same thing-- it executes too early- before the WLan is connected.

What I did was add a setupcomplete.cmd file to the Startup folder of the local administrator account as I was modeling the image unit.....pre-sysprep. (Path below on Win7)

  "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\startup

With the script in the Startup folder, it will get execute AFTER the desktop sets up- which is what we want. Below is my file....I added ping delays to slow down the script down in it time to get the WLan connected before executing commands that are dependent on the network.

echo off
echo 30 Second Delay
ping -n 1 -w 30000 >NUL
echo Join Domain
netdom.exe join %computername% / /UserD:user1 /PasswordD:password
echo Activate Windows
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato
echo Activate Office
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
cscript "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act
echo "Note: If setup script is not deleted from the Startup folder of the Default user profile
echo "for whatever reason, it will get copied to, and run on all subsequent user logins!"
ping -n 1 -w 7000 >NUL
echo Remove Startup Scripts and Restart
shutdown -r -t 60
echo Deleting SetupComplete.cmd from Default Profile
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
del "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.*" /F /Q
echo Deleting MyWlanProfile.xml
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
del C:\wireless\MyWlanProfile.xml /F /Q
echo Deleting SetupComplete.cmd from Current Profile
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
del "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\startup\*.*" /F /Q

Some things to note: I use Netdom to join the domain- I could never get my unattend.xml to do it-- even with a wired connection.

You'll want to have those delete lines at the end to cover your tracks so to speak and get rid of the sensitive setup files from prying eyes. The last one being the SetupComplete.cmd file itself