Saturday, January 4, 2014

SIP SoftPhone Registration with Cisco CME

   This I'm sure this is no revelation to seasoned Cisco voice engineers, but for those just building their skills, I wanted to put out a little how to for attaching and registering SIP softphones to your Cisco Call Manger Express router.

I've integrated many Cisco phones with CME using the native SCCP protocol- Cisco's native signaling and communications protocol otherwise known as Skinny for short.
Assuming all your prerequisite router\CME configurations are in place.... ie...interfaces, tftp-server phone loads files for your phone types, dhcp pool, telephony-service entries etc..... you would add the MAC address of the SCCP phone under the corresponding ephone section of your router so

ephone  1
 mac-address 0021.A075.D474
 after-hours exempt
 paging-dn 30
 type 7941
 button  1:1 2:21
 pin 1111

This ephone would have a matching ephone-dn section to define the line for the ephone (or skinny phone) this:

ephone-dn  1  dual-line
 number 1001
 label Tony Montana
 name Tony Montana

But SIP phones require similar configurations under similar sections, but with different syntax.

First you need to allow sip to sip connections under voice service voip

voice service voip
 allow-connections sip to sip not forget this part--as I did! You need to turn on the registrar for the sip phones have something to register to. Add this to your voice service voip section

registrar server expires max 600 min 60  turns on the SIP registrar! 

Next you'll add your global configuration lines under voice register global- this would be similar to the telephony-service section used for SCCP phones

voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 5
max-pool 5
authenticate register  optional for remote phones- digest authentication is used-
don't use if you want to use MAC address authentication                                                                          
authenticate realm mydomain.local
timezone 13
voicemail 2222
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0025196614655748

Note the create profile command-this command builds the sip cnf and xml SIP phone files in the path specified by the tftp-path command above it.  The sync xxxxxxxx.. is appended automatically by the IOS. I'll come back to the authenticate register command later.

Now, you'll define your dn and line number with the voice register dn # this

voice register dn 1
number 1041
allow watch
name 3cxOffice
label 3cxOffice

Next, you'll tie the actual phone to the DN with the

voice register pool 1
id mac 0000.0000.0000 Not relevant when using digest authentication- if not, put actual MAC here
number 1 dn 1
presence call-list
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username 1041 password cisco   Digest Authentication
codec g711ulaw

Now...if you use the authenticate register option in your global settings (see above), you will NOT be able to authenticate your phone via mac address as you normally would a SCCP phone. This option makes the id mac line your voice register pool section irrelevant. This, from what I understand, tells your phone to use Digest Authentication...hence the user name and password. This would normally be used for remote phones- phones not connected on the same lan....due to ARP not passing the MAC of the remote device across routers- makes sense! An excellent explanation can be found here: thanks to the author )

So,,,there you have it. If all is straight, you should see your SIP phones register now. You can check it with this command- you would see similar to the output below

show sip status registrar

Line          destination      expires(sec)  contact
transport     call-id
1041     85  
UDP           YTE0MTBjNjk0YTVhZDFiNWQ2NzEwMjk5MWE0Nzg0NWM.

Or, you can check them like this too:

show voice register dial-peer

Dial-peers for Pool 1:
dial-peer voice 40001 voip
destination-pattern 1041
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec  g711ulaw bytes 160
 after-hours-exempt   FALSE

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