I searched quite a bit to find a script that would take care of all the attributes needed to rename a AD\Exchange user's surname, truncate it to fit our naming convention, rename their home directory, email addresses etc from the command line....all to no avail. So I pieced together what you see below. There's comments and echos for every function\ line, so it's easy to follow.
Now, I'm just waiting for somebody to get to get married so I can put this thing to work! Also, thanks to all the references (see comments in script) and their respective sites and authors that really helped me out....
Function Begin { Clear-Host write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Red Write-host "Script by created by Dennis Topo Jr 2014" -ForegroundColor Cyan write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Red write-host $firstname=Read-Host "Enter current First name of user to be renamed (ie. John)" write-host $lastname=Read-Host "Enter current Last name of user to be renamed (ie. Smith)" $fullname="$firstname" +" " + "$lastname" get-aduser -Filter {name -eq $fullname} $Choice=Read-Host "Do you want to rename the above user? (if you don't see any output, user is NOT in AD, or you typed it wrong!) Yes(Y) or No(N)?" If (($Choice -eq 'Y') -or ($Choice -eq 'y')) {Prompt1} if (($Choice -eq 'N') -or ($Choice -eq 'n')) {Begin} Else {Begin} } Function Prompt1 { write-host $newsur=Read-host "Enter NEW Sur Name for User" write-host # set first initial of user account name $firstsam=$firstname.substring(0,1) # set CURRENT sur name to 7 chraraters only # count the characters in the last name $count=Measure-Object -InputObject $lastname -Character | select -expand Characters # If the count is less than 7, use that number, if not, set it to 7 If ($count -lt 7 ){$numberx = $count}Else{$numberx = 7} $sn7 = $lastname.Substring(0, $numberx) $samaccount=$firstsam+$sn7 # set NEW sur name to 7 chraraters only # count the characters in the last name $count=Measure-Object -InputObject $newsur -Character | select -expand Characters # If the count is less than 7, use that number, if not, set it to 7 If ($count -lt 7 ){$numberx = $count}Else{$numberx = 7} $newsn7 = $newsur.Substring(0, $numberx) write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Echo out all the variables" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host Write-Host write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $samaccount=$firstsam+$sn7 echo "Current Login Account is: $samaccount" $newsam=$firstsam+$newsn7 echo "New Login Account is: $newsam" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $curemail=$sn7+$firstsam+"@yourdomain.com" echo "Current Primary Email is: $curemail" $newemail=$newsn7+$firstsam+"@yourdomain.com" echo "New Primary Email is: $newemail" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $cursecemail=$firstsam+$sn7+"@yourdomain.com" echo "Current Secondary Email is: $cursecemail" $newsecemail=$firstsam+$newsn7+"@yourdomain.com" echo "New Secondary Email is: $newsecemail" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $newfullname="$firstname" +" " + "$newsur" echo "New Name is: $newfullname" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $newdisplayname="$newsur" +"," +" "+ "$firstname" echo "New Display Name is: $newdisplayname" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $newprinname="$newsam"+"@yourdomain.com" echo "New Principle Name is: $newprinname" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Get's the users Home Directory $hdir=get-aduser $samaccount -Properties homeDirectory | select -ExpandProperty homeDirectory echo "Current Home Directory Path is: $hdir" # Replace current Home Dir name with new one, which is the new sam account ie #$a = $a.Replace("Scriptign", "Scripting") $newhdir=$hdir.Replace("$samaccount", "$newsam") echo "New Home Directory Path is: $newhdir" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow $alias=$firstsam+$sn7 echo "Current Alias is: $alias" $newalias=$firstsam+$newsn7 echo "New Alias is: $newalias" write-host "***********************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow Exchange } Function Exchange { pause Write-Host "Create and Import PowerShell Session to Exchange Server" -ForegroundColor Green $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://exchange.yourdomain.com/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber #By default, Import-PSSession imports all commands except for commands that have the same names as commands in the current session. To import all the commands, use the AllowClobber parameter. pause Write-Host "Disable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false pause Write-Host "Remove Current Secondary Email Address" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -EmailAddresses @{Remove="$cursecemail"} pause Write-Host "Rename User Object in AD" -ForegroundColor Green get-aduser $samaccount | Rename-ADObject -NewName "$newfullname" pause Write-Host "Change AD Attributes like Display Name, SAM Account, UPN, and EMail" -ForegroundColor Green get-aduser $samaccount |Set-ADUser -Surname $newsur -DisplayName "$newdisplayname" -SamAccountName $newsam -UserPrincipalName $newprinname -EmailAddress $newemail pause Write-Host "Set New Primary Address and Alias" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $alias -PrimarySmtpAddress $newemail -Alias $newalias pause Write-Host "Enable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $true pause Write-Host "Disable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false pause Write-Host "Set New Secondary Email Address" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddresses $newsecemail pause Write-Host "Remove OLD Primary Email Address- Should not be necessary though. Setting Secondary Add above should clear out all addresses." -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddresses @{Remove="$curemail"} pause Write-Host "Enable Address Policy for Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Mailbox -Identity $newalias -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $true pause Write-Host "Remove PS Session to Exchange" -ForegroundColor Green Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession pause Write-Host "Set Home Directory Folder Path" -ForegroundColor Green Set-ADUser -Identity $newalias -HomeDirectory $newhdir -Verbose pause Write-Host "Rename Home Directory" -ForegroundColor Green Rename-Item -Path "$hdir" -NewName $newalias -Force -Verbose pause Write-Host "Renamed User Details" -ForegroundColor Green Get-ADUser $newalis -Properties * | FL CN,Company,DisplayName,DistinguishedName,EmailAddress,mailNickname,HomeDirectory,SamAccountName,proxyAddresses,UserPrincipalName pause Begin } # Reference #$a = $a.Replace("Scriptign", "Scripting")
# http://exchangeserverpro.com/manually-configuring-email-addresses-for-exchange-server-2013-recipients-using-powershell/
# http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617225.aspx
# http://chinnychukwudozie.com/2013/11/18/renaming-ad-user-object-surname-property/
# http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/manage-email-addresses-without-exchange-cmdlets/
# http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/6e005cc5-de5a-4ed8-bb65-fd299e431d65/how-to-removing-x400-addresses-via-powershell?forum=exchangesvradminlegacy
# http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123794(v=exchg.150).aspx #$addrs = $mbx.EmailAddresses | Where {$_.Prefixstring -ne "X400"} Clear-Host Begin
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